Viewing "Bios"

Ben Paprocki keeps bb7 exciting for our teams and for our clients. His goal is to “Continuously ‘wow’ our clients with deliverables that exceed their expectations.”

ben paprocki

Dir. of advanced development Ben’s career in product development is rooted in mechanical engineering. He has extensive experience with highly technical scientific equipment, medical devices and high-volume consumer products. As bb7’s top prototyping advisor, Ben can recommend the...
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Maggie Graham loves to engage an audience.

maggie graham

Director of Marketing Maggie is an accomplished marketeer and performer. Target audiences and theatrical audiences need to hold on to their socks – Maggie will knock them off. For more than a fifteen years, she has worked across...
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Steve Cantley’s Experience is Out of This World

steve Cantley

Dir. of R&D and systems Engineering Steve Cantley is originally from the Midwest, where he attended Michigan State University and earned his degree in Physics. His early career took him to Texas, initially working in the areas of...
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